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AIREX® is the world market leader in the field of training and therapy mats. At the beginning of the 1960s, AIREX® was the first brand to produce mats made of foam. In the mid-1980s AIREX® carried out the work processes: extrusion.

Another innovation within the AIREX® Yoga Calyana line: the Yoga Calyana Pro mat!

Calyana Pro mat

Another innovation within the AIREX® Yoga Calyana line: the Yoga Calyana Pro mat!

Calyana Pro mat

Another innovation within the AIREX® Yoga Calyana line: the Yoga Calyana Pro mat!

Calyana Pro mat

Another innovation within the AIREX® Yoga Calyana line: the Yoga Calyana Pro mat!

Calyana Pro mat

Another innovation within the AIREX® Yoga Calyana line: the Yoga Calyana Pro mat!

Calyana Pro mat

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